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Itching is an allergic reaction to the louse’s saliva. But most people, around 60%, are not allergic and do not get the itching that is usually associated with having head lice.

Head lice will not infest your home the way fleas or bed bugs can.

Lice are human parasites and can only survive on human blood. Head lice are most commonly spread through direct hair to hair contact, but they can also be transmitted through items such as contaminated clothing and hair accessories. Pets can not contract or carry head lice.

Head lice usually live up to 30 days when on a host. They can only survive for a short period of time without a host; at the most from 24 to 48 hours

A female louse can lay around 6 to 10 eggs (nits) per day. The nits will hatch in about 7 to 10 days. It takes the newly hatched louse another 7 to 10 days to mature and reproduce its own eggs. A female louse only needs to mate once and can continue to lay viable nits for the duration of her lifespan.